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Tipps and tricks from a professional interior designer

How to create a mood board and design your room

Hi, my name is Marta, I am a designer from the bottom of my heart. I know, that if you start to design your house or apartment, it can be overwhelming to choose from all the options. That’s why I decided to give you an easy-to-follow guideline. After working for years as an interior designer I have lots of information in my head which are helping me create room designs easier. However, there are some tricks worth using, in order that you can easily create a beautiful mood board as well.
Create a list
First, I make a short list about items and function areas I want to integrate into the room. In most cases, there are some initial ideas or wishes (like a fireplace or swing chair), so I list them all.
Collect inspiration
After listing everything important, I will look for inspiration pictures. In most of the cases, people already have a basic idea about style and color concept. If you haven't found it yet, I recommend you spending some time on Pinterest and collect about 10-20 pictures. This is a good start to find your dream concept. When I design a whole house, I create one Pinterest board for the general style, and then I continue with individual boards for all the rooms (bedroom, living room, kitchen, etc.) Going into details: try to save some inspiration pictures for the very details, too. Like "how to decorate a console table”.
draw your room
You have already listed your wishes, collected inspiration pictures, probably found some items you like. Now it’s time to play Sims. Knowing what fits in the room and what doesn’t is essential. There are some extremely user-friendly tools out there, that you can make a floor plan. It’s even fun. My favorite free tool is homestyler. For nonprofessionals, I have an extra tip: with the IKEA online home planner you can plan your kitchen, wardrobe, or bathroom in detail.
Find your ♡ shops
You may have some favorite shops for home styling, but it is worth being open-minded. Look around in different web shops. Once you find a piece you like, there is one perfect trick, I do constantly: checking the inspirational photos at the product site. In most cases, companies make some interior photos with the item. You can have a better picture of how it fits in rooms and different interior styles. Luckily, many shops automatically recommend fitting pieces, so that can help you a lot.
Picture: Moodboardly
Create your mood board and shopping list
Creating a mood board is a to-do you should not skip while designing your room. While working as an online interior designer, I couldn’t find the right tool to make beautiful boards, with linked items, looking like a shopping list. As a designer, I prefer to work with tools that are fun, time efficient, stylish, and user-friendly. MoodBoardly came to life after my husband was watching my workflow. He tried to summarize in one tool all the steps I do while creating a collage, sharing a shopping list, and adding up the total price. With MoodBoardly creating a mood board is quick and fun. You can search for items in the product catalog or upload anything you want to your board. You can remove background from your items and create an almost 3D view. Once you tried it, let me know about your experience!
mood board AI Generator
Unleash Your Creativity and Design Stunning Mood Boards with Our AI-Based Mood Board Generator for Interior Design, Fashion, Weddings, and more!
Try Mood Board AI Generator >

Besides that, MoodBoardly offers you

Search and find products
Rich integrated product database.
Be faster
Automatic purchase lists.
Be productive
Integrated project cost calculator.
Be individual
Add your own products a create your own cataloge.
Little magic
Automatic background removals.
And much more...
Wishing you a good mood, Marta Founder & Professional Interior Designer MoodBoardlywohnly